FER je sudjelovao u projektu "ADRION TRAINEE”, koji za cilj ima podizanje multidisciplinarnih kompetencija i vještina na temu obnovljivih izvora energije osmišljavanjem združenog "Diplomskog studija obnovljivih izvora energije" na engleskom jeziku.
Kako bismo dobili što više informacija od studenata o planiranoj strukturi studija, molimo vas da popunite upitnik koji je kreirao koordinator projekta Sveučilište u Patrasu. Rok za popunjavanje je 8. listopada 2023. godine. Svojim mišljenjem i savjetima pomozite nam osmisliti studij po vašoj mjeri. Najkreativniji savjeti vezani za konceprt studija bit će nagrađeni!
Cjelokupni opis na engleskom je u proširenom sadržaju obavijesti.
Introduction to ADRION TRAINEE
Renewable energy sources are the main drivers of sustainable energy development, and their growth is the main way to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and climate change risks. Notwithstanding the substantial expansion of renewables in the past decade, they are still far from full incorporation into the energy systems. Over the coming decades, much effort is expected to overcome the remaining impediments and pave the way to realize the energy transition to renewable energy. However, without proper expertise this growth can negatively affect the value and identity of landscapes and communities and the supply of key natural goods and services.
The main goal of the Adrion TRAINEE project is to design a joint master program and further training activities for graduate students and practitioners that raises multidisciplinary competencies and skills on the topic of renewable energy, providing participants with advanced education and international experience, as well as the possibility to carry out the internship in one of the industry partners within the Adriatic and Ionian region. Six countries from the Adriatic Region, 8 Universities and 3 Industrial partners contribute to the M.Sc.:
- University of Patras, Department of Chemical Engineering, Greece (LP)
- University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum, Italy
- University of Venice – IUAV, Italy
- University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Algebra University College, Croatia
- University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University of Tirana, Albania
- Green Technologies Ltd, Greece
- Energo-data, Croatia
- Solar Info Community srl (Benefit Enterprise), Italy
We invite you to participate in this mini-competition which shall allow the improvement of the draft M.Sc. on Renewable Energy. The M.Sc. in Renewable Energy will be coordinated by the University of Patras. It will consist of 4 semesters and two specializations shall be offered. The M.Sc. shall correspond to 120 ECTS.
In short, the M.Sc. shall include:
Registration at the University of Patras
Semester #1 Courses in presence at the Department of Chemical Engineering University of Patras
Semester #2 Selection of specialization. Specialization A: Planning and Policies for Renewable Energy→ In presence courses at University of Venice. Specialization B: Renewable Energy Systems Engineering→ In presence courses at University of Zagreb.
Semester #3 Online courses from the participating Universities
Semester #4 Internship and thesis
More details can be found here: https://adriontrainee.adrioninterreg.eu/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrion-trainee-42537126b/, https://www.facebook.com/AdrionTrainee
Two winners of different gender will gain a 20% discount on the fees of the M.Sc.