Energy Management

Code: 141766
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Rajšl
prof. dr. sc. Neven Duić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Pukšec
doc. dr. sc. Ninoslav Holjevac
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 60
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
On energy efficiency and energy management programs. Energy management and its significance. Methods for analyzing the effectiveness of the process. Basic types of energy consumption. Opportunities to improve energy efficiency. Bariers to the implementation of energy efficiency, energy management strategies of the company.
Learning outcomes:
  1. , Sustavno gospodarenje energijom i upravljanje utjecajima na okoliš u industriji; Zoran Morvaj; Dusan Gvozdenac; Zeljko Tomsic; Energetika marketing d.o.o.; 2016; ISBN: 978-953-6759-62-0, , , .
  2. , Energy Management Handbook, 7th edition, Fairmont Press; Wayne C. Turner, Steve Doty; Fairmont Press; 2009; ISBN: 978-1420088700, , , .
  3. , Applied Industrial Energy and Environmental Management; Zoran K. Morvay; Dusan D. Gvozdenac; John Wiley Sons Ltd, United Kingdom; 2008; ISBN: 978-0-470-69742-9, , , .
4. semester
Mandatory course - Regular course - Renewable Energy Sources
Consultations schedule:

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